Cocchi, Massimo and Tonello, Lucio and Gabrielli, Fabio and Levi, Daniel and Pantaleoni, Giancarlo (2012) Biological Plausibility of the Pace of Creation Written in the Genesis. Scientific GOD Journal, 3 (1). 01-19. ISSN 2153-831X
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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the biological plausibility of the pace of creation written in the genesis. A fascinating hypothesis is made on the central role of serotonin as a guide, as the director of the phenomena that enable the best use of light by the plant world, the growth, the regulation of mood in the complex molecular interactions that characterize the varying levels of consciousness. This hypothesis provides biological interpretations of the correspondence of creative steps, from light to man, passing through the vegetable and animal world.
Item Type: | Article |
Additional Information: | none |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | serotonin, biological, anthropological, creation, genesis, light, man, vegetable, animal,consciousness. |
Subjects: | Q Science Q Science > QH Natural history Q Science > Q0 Interdisciplinary sciences > Q01 Interdisciplinary sciences (General) Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology |
References: | Agazzi E., «Reductionism as Negation of the Scientific Spirit», in: Agazzi, E. (ed.), The Problem of Reductionism in Science,Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1991: 1-29.
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ID Code: | 204 |
Deposited By: | Prof Massimo Cocchi |
Deposited On: | 03 Feb 2012 07:49 |
Last Modified: | 06 Feb 2021 14:41 |
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