Pitkänen, Matti (2009) TGD Inspired Model of Living Matter. NeuroQuantology, 7 (3). pp. 338-367. ISSN 1303 5150
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Official URL: http://www.neuroquantology.com/journal
Basic ideas of TGD inspired view about quantum biology are discussed. TGD inspired theory of consciousness provides the basic conceptual framework besides new view about space-time and quantum theory, in particular dark matter hierarchy whose levels are labelled by the increasing value of Planck constant so that macroscopic quantum systems are predicted to be present in all length scales. This gives a justification for the notion of field body having onion-like fractal structure with astrophysical size and using biological body as a sensory receptor and motor instrument. Great evolutionary leaps correspond naturally to the increases of Planck constant for the highest level
in "personal" hierarchy of Planck constants implying a scaling up of time scales of long term memory and planned action. The notion of magnetic body leads to a generalization of the notion genome: one can assign coherently expressed super genome to single organ and hyper genome to an entire population. Important experimental input comes from high Tc superconductivity, from the strange findings related to cell membrane, and from the effects of ELF em fields on vertebrate brain. The model for EEG based on "dark" photons predicts correctly its band structure and also narrow
resonances in theta and beta bands in terms of cyclotron resonance frequencies of biologically important ions.
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | Q Science > QC Physics > QC00 Physics (General) Q Science > Q0 Interdisciplinary sciences > Q01 Interdisciplinary sciences (General) Q Science > QR Microbiology |
References: | Excluding selfreferences:
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ID Code: | 67 |
Deposited By: | Dr Matti Pitkänen |
Deposited On: | 09 Feb 2010 11:26 |
Last Modified: | 06 Feb 2021 14:40 |
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