Items where Author is "Taivāne, Elizabete"
Zekiyan, Bogos Levon and Mutafian, Claude and Priede, Andris and Salmiņa, Valda and Hovhanessian, Vahan S. and Terian, Abraham and Taivāne, Elizabete and Spārītis, Ojārs and Utidjian, Haig and Tamrazyan, Arusyak (2023) Armenian conference dedicated to the 850th death anniversary of St. Nerses the Gracious. In: Cconference dedicated to the 850th death anniversary of St. Nerses the Gracious, 24th November 2023, University of Latvia.
Cālītis, Juris and Bušs, Dzintars Edvīns and Zeps, Dainis and Tjurins, P. T. and Rudzītis, Jānis and Biķis, Enoks and Titāns, Normunds and Mičulis, Kaspars and Gahbauer, Florian and Titava, Lelde and Taivāne, Elizabete (2013) Science and Religion Dialogue: What is Life? Zinātnes un Reliģijas Dialogs: Kas ir dzīvība? In: 71st scientific conferenece of University of Latvia, 8 February, 2013, Raina bulv. 19.
Taivāne, Elizabete (2012) Международное Общество Сознания Кришны: К вопросу о рецепции бенгальского вайшнавизма на Западе // The International Society for Krishna Consciousness: to the Question about Reception of Bengalian Vaishnavism in the West. Religiovedeniye (1, 2). ISSN 2072-8662 (In Press)
Cālītis, Juris and Titans, Normunds and Taivāne, Elizabete and Tēraudkalns, Valdis and Jansone, Ilze and Dišlere Musta, Dace and Rudzītis, Jānis and Namnieks, Andris and Čakare, Laila and Petrova, Olga (2010) 68th annual scientific conference of the University of Latvia. Faculty of Theology section. "Science and Religion Dialogue". In: UL 68th conference, Faculty of Theology section: Science and Religion Dialogue, 2010. 11.02, University of Latvia, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Mazā aula.
Taivāne, Elizabete (2010) Which path to go? The Notion of Religion in Phenomenology of Religion in Europe and Latvia (in Latvian). Ceļš . (In Press)
Taivāne, Elizabete (2009) The Appearances of the Mother of God as a Factor of Revival of the Catholic Society in Europe of the XX - the Beginning of the XXI Century Явления Богородицы как фактор возрождения католического общества в Европе ХХ-ХХI веков. Мировая политика: взгляд из будущего, т. 3: Постсекулярные общества: перспективы и реальность: Межкультурное взаимодействие и международные отношения, ред. т. А. Б. Зубов, В. М. Сер . pp. 259-266.
Taivāne, Elizabete Likteņdārzs: tradicionālās latviešu reliģiozitātes transformācijas projekts = The Garden of Fates: A Project of Transformation of Traditional Latvian Religiosity. [Preprint] (Unpublished)
Taivāne, Elizabete No Kristus pie Krišnas: jaunā reliģiskā paradigma? From Christ to Krishna: A New Religious Paradigm? [Preprint] (Unpublished)
Taivāne, Elizabete S. S. Horužija antropoloģiskais pagrieziens: uz filozofijas, teoloģijas, psiholoģijas un fizikas robežas // Anthropological Shift by S. S. Horuzhy: at the Crossroads of Philosophy, Theology, Psychology and Physics. [Preprint] (In Press)
Taivāne, Elizabete Starptautiskā kristīgās meditācijas kopiena: bibliskās paradigmas transformācija (fenomenoloģiskā eksplikācija); The World Community for Christian Meditation: Transformation of Biblical Paradigm (phenomenological explication). Starptautiskā kristīgās meditācijas kopiena: bibliskās paradigmas transformācija (fenomenoloģiskā eksplikācija); The World Community for Christian Meditation: Transformation of Biblical Paradigm (phenomenological explication) . (Unpublished)