Items where Year is 2017

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Number of items: 12.


Atvars, Aigars (2017) Lūgšanas pieejas modelis. Bibliskie, psiholoģiskie un loģiskie aspekti. In: 75th Conference of University of Latvia, Section "Science and Religion Dialogue", 09.02.2017, Riga, Raina Blv. 19, Latvia. (Unpublished)


Bušs, Dzintars Edvīns (2017) A priori knowledge in the teachings of I. Kant, "evolutionary epistemology", "analytical psychology" of K. G. Jung and in the evolution of religions. (Unpublished)


Egoyan, Alexander (2017) Explanation of Qualia and Self-Awareness Using Elastic Membrane Concept. The General Science Journal . ISSN ISSN ISSN 1916-5382

Egoyan, Alexander (2017) The Role of Physics in Science Integration. The General Science Journal . ISSN ISSN ISSN 1916-5382


Melanchton, Philipp (2017) In laudem novae scholae. Slavinājums jaunatklājamai skolai. In: Philippi Melanthonis Opera quae supersun. Corpus Reformatorum, edidit Carolus Gottlieb Bretschneider, Volumen XI, Philipi Melanchthonis Opera Omnia quae supersunt omnia, Halis Saxonum, 1843..


Nixon, Gregory Michael (2017) “An Analytic Perspective on Panpsychism”: Book Review of Brüntrip & Jaskolla’s (eds.) *Panpsychism: Contemporary Perspectives*. Metascience, 26 (3). pp. 471-474. ISSN 0815-0796


Pereira, Contzen and Reddy, J Shashi Kiran (2017) End-of-Life Experience Case Study and a Proposed Quantum Physics Hypothesis. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 35 (1). pp. 57-61.

Pereira, Contzen and Reddy, J Shashi Kiran (2017) The Manifestation of Consciousness: Beyond & Within from Fundamental to Ubiquity. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, 8 (1). pp. 51-55.


Tjurins, Mihails P. (2017) Наука и вера: иллюзия конфликта и точки соприкосновения (Zinātne un ticība: konflikta ilūzija un saskares punkti). Православная жизнь .


Zeps, Dainis (2017) A. Knopkens Rīgas reformators. Komentārs vēstulei Romiešiem. In: Zinātnes un Reliģijas dialoga grupas seminārs, 2017.gada 28. aprīlī, Latvijas universitāte, Raiņa 19, Teoloģijas fakultāte, Dekanāta zāle. (Submitted)

Zeps, Dainis (2017) Vai fizika beigusies? In: Zinātnes un Reliģijas dialoga grupas seminārs, 24. martā, 18:00, Latvijas unviersitāte, 15.auditorija.

Zeps, Dainis (2017) Vai matemātiku un fiziku vieno reliģija? In: LU 75. zinātniskā konference, 9. februāris, 2017. gadā, Latvijas universitāte, Raiņa 19, Dekanāta zāle.

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