Tjurins, Mihails P. (2012) Молитва как связующее звено между духовным и физическим в психике человека (о встрече и взаимодействии двух природ в психологической доминанте). Lūgšana kā saikne starp garīgo un fizisko cilvēka psihē (par divu dabu satiksmi un mijiedarbību psiholoģiskajā dominantē). [Preprint] (Unpublished)
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The report discusses the importance of prayer in the biblical tradition. We describe the mechanism of prayer in the light of the principle of the dominant of Ukhtomsky. It also provides scientific evidence of the influence of prayer. Evaluated the efficacy of prayer.
Item Type: | Preprint |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BR Christianity B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BS The Bible Q Science > QP Physiology |
Divisions: | University of Latvia > SR Science and Religion Dialogue. Interdisciplinary Group |
ID Code: | 205 |
Deposited By: | Mihails Tjurins |
Deposited On: | 04 Feb 2012 17:55 |
Last Modified: | 06 Feb 2021 14:41 |
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