Planetary Education: Conversations with LLM Machines on Current International Issues

Zeps, Dainis Planetary Education: Conversations with LLM Machines on Current International Issues. [Preprint] (Submitted)

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We are mature enough to understand the need to communicate with LLM machines on topics that are relevant to us, where we started this with conversations about Ukraine and Russia's aggression against it. Here we also realized that we need to make these conversations public so as not to always be in the zone of hallucination risk. Further, continuing this train of thought, we came to the need for large-scale communication between those who are ready to work with LLM machines in this way and we come to the need to create the entire communication product into a common unit. We come to the common mind of LLM machines, which will already be a noosphere imitator for us. All that remains is to add Planetary Education, which will teach us how to master this whole set for our own needs and requirements. Yes, also how to achieve peace in Ukraine, if we could agree on such a common memory in our LLM.

Item Type:Preprint
Subjects:B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > B Philosophy (General)
B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BL Religion
Q Science > Q0 Interdisciplinary sciences
T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions:University of Latvia > SR Science and Religion Dialogue. Interdisciplinary Group
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5. Burgert Senekal, Susan Brokensha, Is ChatGPT a friend or foe in the war on misinformation? A South African perspective, University of the Free State, South Africa, Communicare: Journal for Communication Studies in Africa, Vol 42, No. 2, Pages 3-15, 2023,

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7. Dainis Zeps, Multilingual conversation about war in Ukraine,

8. Dainis Zeps, Otrā saruna ar ChatGPT par karu Ukrainā,

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10. D. Zeps, The New World, or The world after Ukraine's victory,

11. D. Zeps, Krievijas Ukrainas karš: saruna ar gpt-4o

12. D. Zeps, Russia's Ukraine War: A Conversation with GPT-4o

13. D. Zeps, Should the Biden government be sued for meddling in their country's presidential election by using an arms blocking on Ukraine? ,

14. D. Zeps, Russia delenda est: how we understand this,

15. Dainis Zeps, Russia delenda est, or Demilitarisation, Depropagandisation, Deescalisation: how we see this?

16. Dainis Zeps, Russia delenda est, або демілітаризація, депропаганда, деескалація: як ми це розуміємо?

17. Dainis Zeps, Russia delenda est, vai Demilitarizācija, Depropagandizācija, Deeskalizācija: kā mēs to saprotam?

18. Dainis Zeps, Kā palīdzēt Ukrainai uzvarēt? Kas mums ir jādara Ukrainas atbalstam? Jauna saruna ar MI,, 2025

ID Code:542
Deposited By: Dainis Zeps
Deposited On:10 Feb 2025 12:06
Last Modified:10 Feb 2025 12:06

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