Items where Year is 2016

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Number of items: 27.

Atvars, Aigars (2016) Dievticības vieta inteliģenta cilvēka dzīvē. In: Zinātnes un reliģijas dialoga grupas konference. Latvijas Universitātes konferences ietvaros. 12.02.2016., Riga, Raina 19, Latvijas Universitate. (Unpublished)

Biķis, Enoks (2016) Radītāja īpašību izpausme cilvēkā kā radījumā fiziskās un garīgās veselības aspektā. In: LU 74. konference, „Zinātnes un reliģijas dialoga” interdisciplinārās grupas sēde, 2016. gada 12. februāris, Latvijas universitāte, Raiņa 19, Dekanāta zāle.

Gahbauer, Florian H. (2016) Gravitācijas viļņi. .



Melanchton, Philipp (2016) Laus vitae scholasticae. In: Philippi Melanthonis Opera. Corpus Reformatorum, edidit Carolus Gottlieb Bretschneider, Volumen XI, Philipi Melanchthonis Opera Omnia quae supersunt omnia, Halis Saxonum, 1843..

Pereira, Contzen (2016) Consciousness is Quantum Computed Beyond the Limits of the Brain: A Perspective Conceived from Cases Studied for Hydranencephaly. NeuroQuantology, 14 (3). pp. 613-618. ISSN 1303 5150

Pereira, Contzen (2016) Frequencies of the Buddhist Meditative Chant – Om Mani Padme Hum. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) .

Pereira, Contzen (2016) Is it Quantum Sentience or Quantum Consciousness? A Review of Social Behaviours Observed in Primitive and Present-Day Microorganisms. NeuroQuantology, 14 (1). pp. 16-27.

Pereira, Contzen and Reddy, J Shashi Kiran (2016) An Essay on ‘Fracto-Resonant’ Nature of Life. NeuroQuantology, 14 (4). pp. 764-769. ISSN 1303 5150

Pereira, Contzen and Reddy, J Shashi Kiran (2016) Origin of Life: A Consequence of Cosmic Energy, Redox Homeostasis and Quantum Phenomenon. NeuroQuantology, 14 (3). pp. 581-588. ISSN 1303 5150

Pereira, Contzen (2016) Belief as the driver to experience and imagine the cosmic energy but with limitations. Journal ofMetaphysics and Connected Consciousness . (In Press)

Pereira, Contzen (2016) “Let there be light” and the light was eternal: A Meta-Religious understanding of creation and consciousness. Journal of Metaphysics and Connected Consciousness . (In Press)

Pereira, Contzen (2016) On Science & Phenomenology in Consciousness Studies. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, 7 (3). pp. 269-273.

Pereira, Contzen and Harter, Janice (2016) Understanding memories of a near-death experience from the perspective of quantum entanglement and in the presence of the supernatural. Journal of Metaphysics and Connected Consciousness . (In Press)

Pereira, Contzen and Reddy, J Shashi Kiran (2016) Cosmic Origami: Finger Prints of Life. Scientific GOD Journal, 7 (4). 252-255. ISSN 2153-831X

Pereira, Contzen and Reddy, J Shashi Kiran (2016) First-hand Experience of the Self through Imagination. Scientific GOD Journal . (In Press)

Pereira, Contzen and Reddy, J Shashi Kiran (2016) Near-Death Cases Desegregating Non-Locality/Disembodiment via Quantum Mediated Consciousness: An Extended Version of the Cell-Soul Pathway. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, 7 (11). pp. 951-968.

Pereira, Contzen and Reddy, J Shashi Kiran (2016) On Science & the Perception of Reality. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, 7 (7). pp. 584-587. ISSN 2153-8212

Pereira, Contzen and Reddy, J Shashi Kiran (2016) Science, Subjectivity & Reality. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research .

Pereira, Contzen and Reddy, J Shashi Kiran (2016) Understanding Embodiment: Advancing towards a lesser Body and more Soul. Journal of Metaphysics and Connected Consciousness .

Pereira, Contzen and Reddy, Jumpal Shashi Kiran (2016) Imaginings and imaginations of the soul. Journal of Metaphysics and Connected Consciousness .

Roterodamus, Erasmus (2016) Epistula Andreae Cnophae Sacerdoti. Bilingvs. Tulkojums latviešu valodā. In: Epistolae ad diversos. Basileae apud Io. Frobenium An., 1521..

Shadmi, Doron (2016) The Unity of The Mathematical Science and Ethics in terms of evolutionary scale. [Scientific Manuscript] (Submitted)

Strazds, Armands (2016) Sustainable Numerals: The Identity of Symbol and Value. (Unpublished)

Zeps, Dainis (2016) Aggregation states physics. Are we allowed to predict the future of science? In: Zinātnes un Reliģijas Dialoga grupa, seminārs, 2016. gada 22. aprīlis, Latvijas unviersitāte.

Zeps, Dainis (2016) Daba, valoda, matemātika, Dievs. In: 74th conference, 2016.,12.02., University of Latvia.

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