Zeps, Dainis (2009) Rudolf Steiner. On mathematics and Reality. [Preprint] (Submitted)
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We consider philosopher and mystic Rudolf Steiner as a searcher after new scientific paradigm who wants to put in the ground of his system mathematics and mathematical thinking, remaining by this in the position of occultism. In the article we want to enlighten in which sense he is using term “mathematics”, what he understands by it, and how he sees its connection with reality. We consider an example how Steinerian idea could possibly be connected with Feynman’s quantum mechanical interpretation. We are coming to the
conclusion that contemporary science and theoretical physicists particularly should turn more attention to Rudolf Steiner as a natural scientist in its own sense.
Item Type: | Preprint |
Additional Information: | Rūdolfs Šteiners. Par matemātiku un realitāti. Rakstā aplūkots filosofs un mistiķis Rūdolfs Šteiners kā jaunas zinātniskās paradigmas meklētājs, kas savas sistēmas pamatā grib likt matemātiku un matemātisku domāšanu, paliekot vienlaicīgi okultisma pozīcijās. Rakstā gribam noskaidrot, kādā nozīmē Šteiners lieto jēdzienu „matemātika”, ko viņš ar to saprot un kāds tam sakars ar realitāti. Ir aplūkots piemērs, kā šteinerisko ideju mēģināt sasaistīt ar Feinmana kvantu mehānisko interpretāciju. Mēs izdarām secinājumu, ka mūsdienu eksaktajiem zinātniekiem un sevišķi fiziķiem teorētiķiem būtu jāpievērš lielāka uzmanība Šteineram kā dabaszinātniekam savā īpašā nozīmē. Atslēgvārdi: Antroposofija, okultisms, zinātne, matemātika, realitāte, ceturtā dimensija, laiks un telpa, Feinmana kvantu mehāniskā interpretācija. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Anthroposophy, occultism, science, mathematics, fourth dimension, reality, time and space, Feynman‟s quantum mechanical interpretation. |
Subjects: | B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BL Religion B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BD Speculative Philosophy |
Divisions: | University of Latvia > SR Science and Religion Dialogue. Interdisciplinary Group |
References: | 1. (Feynman 1965) Feynman, A., un R. Hibbs. Quantum Mechanics and Path Integral. McGraw-Hill Companies, 1965.
2. (Hilton 1904) Hinton, Charles Howard. «The Fourth Dimension.» orig. 1904. http://www.archive.org/details/fourthdimension00hintarch . 3. (Mūks 2003) Mūks, Roberts. Antropozofija. Vai pilngadīgais romantisms. Rīga: Atēna, 2003. 4. (Ouspensky 2001) Ouspensky, Peter. In Search of Miraculous, Harvest/HBJ Book, 2001. 5. (Ouspensky 1973) Ouspensky, Peter. The Model of New Psychology. The Model of New Cosmology. Vintage, 1973. 6. (Schulman 2005) Schulman, L. S. Techniques and Applications of Path Integration. N.Y.: Dover Publ., repr. 2005. 7. (Steiner 1995) Steiner, Rudolf. Die vierte Dimension. Mathematik und Wirklichkeit. R. Steiner Verl., 1995, 310 pp. . Dornach: R. Steiner Verlag, 1995. 8. (Steiner 1923) Steiner, Rudolf. «Goethe un Mathematik.» Forum für Anthroposophie, Waldorfpädagogik und Goetheanistische Naturwissenschaft. 1923. http://www.anthroposophie.net/steiner/goetheanum/bib_steiner_goethe_mathematik.htm. 9. (Steiner 1904) Steiner, Rudolf. «Mathematik und Okultismus, Autoreferat vom Vortrag beim Kongreß der Förderation europäischer Sektionen der Theosophischen Gesellschaft. Amsterdam.» 1904, 21 Juni. http://www.anthroposophie.net/steiner/bib_steiner_mathematik_okkultismus. 10. (Steiner 2006) Steiner, Rudolf. The Dead are with us. R. Steiner press, 2006, 48 pp. |
ID Code: | 15 |
Deposited By: | Dainis Zeps |
Deposited On: | 19 Sep 2009 13:34 |
Last Modified: | 06 Feb 2021 14:40 |
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