Items where Subject is "BD Speculative Philosophy"

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Number of items at this level: 43.


Atvars, Aigars (2009) Reliģiskā jeb racionālā domāšanas ceļa izvēles modelis. [Scientific Manuscript] (Unpublished)


Cālītis, Juris and Bušs, Dzintars Edvīns and Zeps, Dainis and Tjurins, P. T. and Rudzītis, Jānis and Biķis, Enoks and Titāns, Normunds and Mičulis, Kaspars and Gahbauer, Florian and Titava, Lelde and Taivāne, Elizabete (2013) Science and Religion Dialogue: What is Life? Zinātnes un Reliģijas Dialogs: Kas ir dzīvība? In: 71st scientific conferenece of University of Latvia, 8 February, 2013, Raina bulv. 19.


Gokhale, Raam (2012) Slumdog Philosopher, Richdog Philosopher. .

Gokhale, Raam (2012) Origins Shrouded in Myth. .


Joshi, Kedar (2014) A Summary of the Central Metaphysic of Superultramodern Science and Philosophy: From Modern Science to God–The Ultimate Questioner. [Scientific Manuscript] (Unpublished)

Joshi, Kedar (2014) The Satanic Verses of Bhagavad-gita. [Scientific Manuscript]

Joshi, Kedar (2010) The UQV (Ultimate Questioner’s Vanity) Theory. [Scientific Manuscript] (Unpublished)


Kaspars, Mičulis (2014) Nāve apziņas, laika un esības jautājumu kontekstā. In: LU 72. konference, „Zinātnes un reliģijas dialoga” interdisciplinārās grupas sēde, 2014. gada 7. februāris, Latvijas universitāte, Raiņa 19, Dekanāta zāle. (Unpublished)

Krishtal, Oleg (2024) MOCARTA LOGS. In: To the Singing of Birds. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Krishtal, Oleg (2020) MOZART’S WINDOW (afterword: an optimistic scenario). In: To the Singing of Birds. Amazon, Amazon.


Larenz, Rudolf (2020) A Case of Human Reason’s Liberation from its Positivist Self- Limitation. The Return of Philosophy Through the Solution of a Problem of Physics is a Flanking Aid to Evangelizatio. MOKSLO IR TIKĖJIMO DIALOGAI / Dialogues between science and faith, 6/2020 . pp. 104-129. ISSN 1648-3979

Larenz, Rudolf (2021) Sobre_tres_límites_intrínsecos_de_la_física_y_su_tratamiento_filosófico. In: Informal session for members of the department, September 21st, 2021, University of Navarre, Pamplona, Spain. (Unpublished)

Larenz, Rudolf (2019) Über eine Verbesserung der Moralität beruflicher Handlungen eines Physikers. Ein neues Element der Inkulturation des Christentums in eine wissenschaftlich-technologische Zivilisation. RODCZNIKI TEOLOGICZNE, LXVI . pp. 51-68. ISSN 2353-7272

Larenz, Rudolf (2004) Glaube und Naturwissenschaft - die verlorene Harmonie. Ad Lucem (2/2004). pp. 30-35.

Larenz, Rudolf (2004) Tro och Naturvetenskap - den förlorade harmonin. Ad Lucem (2/2004). pp. 30-35.

Larenz, Rudolf (2020) Warum ist es nicht so einfach für einen heutigen Physiker, durch und durch Christ zu sein? Mokslo ir tikėjimo dialogai. Tiltai. / Dialogues between Science and Faith. Bridges., 5 . pp. 5-39. ISSN 1648-3979 (Unpublished)

Larenz, Rudolf (2020) What is the Main Reason that Physics and Theology Do Not Really Match? What Can Be Done to Amend that Situation? In: What is the Main Reason that Physics and Theology Do Not Really Match? What Can Be Done to Amend that Situation?, 24.01.2020, University of Latvia, Riga, main building. (Unpublished)

Larenz, Rudolf (2019) Why is it not so easy for a present-day physicist to be genuinely a Christian? MOKSLO IR TIKĖJIMO DIALOGAI / Dialogues between science and faith, 5 . pp. 5-39. ISSN 1648-3979


Maurer, Leon H. (2010) How Unconditioned Consciousness, Infinite Information, Potential Energy, and Time Created Our Universe. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, JCER V (Issue ). pp. 610-624. ISSN 2153-8212

Mičulis, Kaspars (2009) Undeterminism and order in transdisciplinar context. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Mičulis, Kaspars (2009) The twentieth-century crisis of western culture. [Preprint] (Submitted)


Nixon, Gregory Michael (2017) “An Analytic Perspective on Panpsychism”: Book Review of Brüntrip & Jaskolla’s (eds.) *Panpsychism: Contemporary Perspectives*. Metascience, 26 (3). pp. 471-474. ISSN 0815-0796

Nixon, Gregory Michael (2019) Breaking Out of One's Head (& Awakening to the World). In: Mysticism and Meaning: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Three Pines Press, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, pp. 29-57. ISBN 9781931483407

Nixon, Gregory M. and Adams, William A. and Bindeman, Steve and Globus, Gordon and Nunn, Chris and Robbins, Stephen E. and Vimal, Ram L. P. and Davia, Christopher J. and Malik, Mansoor and Hipolito, Maria and Deiss, Stephen and Holvenstot, Christopher and Maurer, Leon H. (2010) Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research 1(5). Focus Issue — Time & Consciousness: Two Faces of One Mystery? QuantumDream, Inc., Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research. ISBN 2153-8212


Pitkänen, M (2023) Could neuronal system and even GPT give rise to a computer with a variable arrow of time? . (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2021) About the role of Galois groups in TGD framework.

Pitkänen, Matti (2022) Hen and egg problems of biology from TGD point of view. (Submitted)


Rosinger, Elemer Elad (2011) Where and How Do They Happen ? [Preprint] (Unpublished)


Sadovnik, Israel (2020) God and Soul in Quantum Theory. GSJ Physics Forum . ISSN


Titans, Normunds (2024) Simulācijas hipotēze un tās teoloģiskās implikācijas. In: Zinātnes un Reliģijas dialoga grupas seminārs, 24. martā, 18:00, Latvijas unviersitāte, 15.auditorija. (Unpublished)

Titans, Normunds (2013) G. W. F. Hegel’s Understanding of the Absolute: A Non-metaphysical Interpretation. [Preprint] (Submitted)


Zeps, Dainis (2025) AI intelekts ir mūsu pašu intelekts. In: Zinātnes un Reliģijas dialoga grupas seminārs, 26. martā, 18:00, Zoom tikšanās.

Zeps, Dainis (2022) Dažas domas, lasot Mario Livio grāmatu «Vai Dievs ir matemātiķis?». In: ZURD seminārs 25. 01.2022, 25. 01.2022, Zoom.

Zeps, Dainis (2024) Fizika vai Īstenība, kas prevalē? [Preprint] (Submitted)

Zeps, Dainis (2024) Physics or Reality: Which Prevails? ScirePrints . pp. 1-8. (Submitted)

Zeps, Dainis (2009) Rudolf Steiner. On mathematics and Reality. [Preprint] (Submitted)

Zeps, Dainis (2024) Vai būt blēdim ir izdevīgi? Ko saka Mākslīgais internets, AI? [Preprint] (Submitted)

Zeps, Dainis (2017) Vai matemātiku un fiziku vieno reliģija? In: LU 75. zinātniskā konference, 9. februāris, 2017. gadā, Latvijas universitāte, Raiņa 19, Dekanāta zāle.

Zeps, Dainis What can make the US stop supporting Russia from its collapse? [Preprint] (Submitted)

Zeps, Dainis (2016) Aggregation states physics. Are we allowed to predict the future of science? In: Zinātnes un Reliģijas Dialoga grupa, seminārs, 2016. gada 22. aprīlis, Latvijas unviersitāte.

Zeps, Dainis (2009) Four levels of complexity in mathematics and physics. [Preprint]

Zeps, Dainis (2010) Mathematics is Physics. Prespacetime Journal, 1 (3). pp. 299-313. ISSN 2153-8301

Zeps, Dainis (2007) On nature of mathematics. On mathematics and reality Par matemātikas dabu. Par matemātiku un realitāti. In: 65th Scientific Comference of University of Latvia, section of Faculty of Theology "Dialogue between Religion and Science", 2007, 8th February, "Mazā Aula", University of Latvia.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 02:22:58 2025 EET.