Items where Subject is "QC00 Physics (General)"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 57.


Christianto, Victor (2010) A derivation of Maxwell equations in quaternion space. Progress in Physics, no. 2, april 2010, 2010 (2). pp. 23-27.

Christianto, Victor and Smarandache, Florentin (2008) Kaluza-Klein-Carmeli Metric from Quaternion-Cliord Space, Lorentz’s Force, and Some Observables. Progress in Physics, vol. 2, 2008, 2 (-). pp. 144-150.

Egoyan, Alexander (2013) THE CONCEPTUAL BASIS FOR MULTIDIMENSIONAL PHYSICS. General Science Journal . ISSN 1916-5382

Egoyan, Alexander (2017) The Role of Physics in Science Integration. The General Science Journal . ISSN ISSN ISSN 1916-5382


Egoyan, Alexander and Khipashvili, Ilia (2013) On the Influence of Air Resistance and Wind during Long Jump. General Science Journal . ISSN 1916-5382

Egoyan, Alexander and Moistsrapishvili, Karlo (2013) Equilibrium and Stability of the Upright Human Body. General Science Journal . ISSN ISSN 1916-5382

Gahbauer, Florian H. (2016) Gravitācijas viļņi. .

Hu, Huping and Wu, Maoxin (2014) Premomentumenergy Model I: Genesis of Elementary Particles & Relativistic QM for a Dual Momentum-Energy Universe. Scientific GOD Journal, 5 (9). pp. 763-831. ISSN 2153-831X

Klein, Moshe and Shadmi, Doron (2008) ORGANIC MATHEMATICS. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 49 (3). pp. 329-340. ISSN 1311-8080

Larenz, Rudolf (2020) A Case of Human Reason’s Liberation from its Positivist Self- Limitation. The Return of Philosophy Through the Solution of a Problem of Physics is a Flanking Aid to Evangelizatio. MOKSLO IR TIKĖJIMO DIALOGAI / Dialogues between science and faith, 6/2020 . pp. 104-129. ISSN 1648-3979

Larenz, Rudolf (2013) Does Physics Need a Second Scientific Revolution? – Christianity Encourages Tackling a Foundational Problem of Physics. International Journal of Sino-Western Studies, 4 . pp. 95-116. ISSN 2242-2471 (online version)

Larenz, Rudolf (2019) Über eine Verbesserung der Moralität beruflicher Handlungen eines Physikers. Ein neues Element der Inkulturation des Christentums in eine wissenschaftlich-technologische Zivilisation. RODCZNIKI TEOLOGICZNE, LXVI . pp. 51-68. ISSN 2353-7272

Larenz, Rudolf (2013) Does Physics Need a Second Scientific Revolution? – Christianity Encourages Tackling a Foundational Problem of Physics. Innternational Journal of Sino-Western Studies, 4 . pp. 95-116. ISSN 2242-2471 (online version)

Larenz, Rudolf (2004) Glaube und Naturwissenschaft - die verlorene Harmonie. Ad Lucem (2/2004). pp. 30-35.

Larenz, Rudolf (2019) On an Amendment of the Morality of a Physicist's Professional Actions. A New element of Inculturation of Christianity into a Scientific-Technological Civilization. Rodczniki Teologiczne, Tom LX (3-2019). pp. 51-68.


Larenz, Rudolf (2011) PHYSIK – ENTFREMDUNG VON ANSTATT HINFÜHRUNG ZUM SCHÖPFER? ROCZNIKI TEOLOGII MORALNEJ (English original published), 3(58) . pp. 5-37. ISSN 2081-1810

Larenz, Rudolf (2004) Tro och Naturvetenskap - den förlorade harmonin. Ad Lucem (2/2004). pp. 30-35.

Larenz, Rudolf (2020) Warum ist es nicht so einfach für einen heutigen Physiker, durch und durch Christ zu sein? Mokslo ir tikėjimo dialogai. Tiltai. / Dialogues between Science and Faith. Bridges., 5 . pp. 5-39. ISSN 1648-3979 (Unpublished)

Larenz, Rudolf (2019) Why is it not so easy for a present-day physicist to be genuinely a Christian? MOKSLO IR TIKĖJIMO DIALOGAI / Dialogues between science and faith, 5 . pp. 5-39. ISSN 1648-3979

Maurer, Leon H. (2010) How Unconditioned Consciousness, Infinite Information, Potential Energy, and Time Created Our Universe. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, JCER V (Issue ). pp. 610-624. ISSN 2153-8212

Nixon, Gregory M. (2010) Whitehead & the Elusive Present Process Philosophy’s Creative Core. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, 1. (5). pp. 625-639. ISSN 2153-8212

Pitkänen, Matti (2009) TGD Inspired Model of Living Matter. NeuroQuantology, 7 (3). pp. 338-367. ISSN 1303 5150

Pitkänen, Matti (2003) TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness. NeuroQuantology, 1 (1). pp. 68-93. ISSN 1303 5150

Rosinger, Elemer Elad (2011) Four Departures inMathematics and Physics. (Unpublished)

Rosinger, Elemer Elad (2011) Heisenberg Uncertainty in Reduced Power Algebras. Prespacetime Journal, 2 (2). pp. 157-169. ISSN 2153-8301 (Unpublished)

Sorli, Amrit and Fiscaletti, Davide and Klinar, Dusan (2010) Block Universe - According to the Formalism X4 = ict Space-time is Timeless. Prespacetime Journal, Vol 1 (Issue ). pp. 739-744. ISSN 2153-8301

Sorli, Amrit and Gregl, Tadej and Klinar, Dusan (2010) Observer Is a Function of Four-dimensional Timeless Space. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research|, 1 (2). pp. 129-131. ISSN ISSN: 2153-8212

Sorli, Amrit and Klinar, Dusan (2010) Integration of Science and Religion with SelfExperience of the Observer. Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science, 23 (7). pp. 91-95.

van Leunen, Ir J.A.J. (Hans) (2011) Cracks of fundamental quantum physics. .


Mičulis, Kaspars (2009) Undeterminism and order in transdisciplinar context. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Tjurins, Mihails P. (2010) Хокинг и вера в Бога: идущие вместе? Hawking and belief in God: coming together? Religious and scientific parallels in the Creation. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Scientific Manuscript

Bell, Dallas F. (2018) The Twenty-Five Theses for Philos Sophos: A Partial Differential Equation from Mathematical Ethics’ Operators of Zhēn Xiàng for Interpolating Computerized Behavioral Flux in Economics. [Scientific Manuscript] (Submitted)

Christianto, Victor (2010) A note on astrometric data and time varying Sun-Earth distance in the light of Carmeli metric. [Scientific Manuscript]

Shadmi, Doron (2016) The Unity of The Mathematical Science and Ethics in terms of evolutionary scale. [Scientific Manuscript] (Submitted)

Book Section

Pitkänen, Matti (2010) About the Nature of Time. In: TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness. Matti Pitkanen,

Pitkänen, Matti (2010) DNA as Topological Quantum Computer. In: TGD as a Generalized Number Theory. Matti Pitkanen,

Pitkänen, Matti (2010) Evolution in Many-Sheeted Space-time. In: Genes and Memes. Matti Pitkanen,

Pitkänen, Matti (2010) The Notion of Wave Genome and DNA as Topological Quantum Computer. In: Genes and Memes. Matti Pitkanen,

Pitkänen, Matti (2010) Quantum Model for Nerve Pulse and EEG. In: TGD and EEG. Matti Pitkanen,

Pitkänen, Matti (2010) Three new physics realizations of the genetic code and the role of dark matter in bio-systems. In: Genes and Memes. Matti Pitkanen,


Pitkänen, Matti (2018) GENES AND MEMES. Technical Report. (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2010) An Overview About Evolution of TGD. Project Report. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research. (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2010) An Overview About Quantum TGD. Project Report. Prespacetime Journal. (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2018) TOPOLOGICAL GEOMETRODYNAMICS: AN OVERVIEW. Technical Report. (Submitted)

Conference or Workshop Item

Larenz, Rudolf (2023) On Overcoming the Alleged Alienation between Christianity and Physics. In: Faith and Science: Two Paths Towards Truth, 1.-2.7.2023, Cracow, Poland.

Larenz, Rudolf (2021) Qué_impide_la_plena_armonía_entre_la_física_y_la_teología_cristiana? In: informal seminar session for the members of the Philosophy Dpt. of the University of Navarre, Pamplona, Spain, September 21st, 2021, Pamplona, Spain. (Unpublished)

Larenz, Rudolf (2021) Sobre_tres_límites_intrínsecos_de_la_física_y_su_tratamiento_filosófico. In: Informal session for members of the department, September 21st, 2021, University of Navarre, Pamplona, Spain. (Unpublished)

Larenz, Rudolf (2020) What is the Main Reason that Physics and Theology Do Not Really Match? What Can Be Done to Amend that Situation? In: What is the Main Reason that Physics and Theology Do Not Really Match? What Can Be Done to Amend that Situation?, 24.01.2020, University of Latvia, Riga, main building. (Unpublished)

Mičulis, Kaspars (2013) Dzīvība un saprāts pašorganizācijas un antropā principa kontekstā. In: 71st scientific conferenece of University of Latvia, 8 February, 2013, Raina bulv. 19.

Titans, Normunds and Feščenko, Iļja and Zeps, Dainis and Kasaross, Mārtiņš and Mičulis, Kaspars and Atvars, Aigars and Bušs, Dzintars Edvīns and Paeglis, Roberts and Gahbauer, Florian (2010) 68th annual scientific conference of the University of Latvia. Faculty of Theology. "Science and Religion Dialogue” interdisciplinary group meeting. In: UL 68th conference, Faculty of Theology section: Science and Religion Dialogue, 2010. 12.02, University of Latvia. Raina bulvāris 19, Mazā aula.

Zeps, Dainis (2023) ΓΝΩΘΙ ΜΑΘΗΜΑ (GNŌTHI MATHĒMA) Or What are the foundations of our thinking? In: Seminar of the Science and Religion Dialogue Group (ZuRD), 24 May 2023., Zoom. (Submitted)

Zeps, Dainis (2017) Vai fizika beigusies? In: Zinātnes un Reliģijas dialoga grupas seminārs, 24. martā, 18:00, Latvijas unviersitāte, 15.auditorija.

Zeps, Dainis (2017) Vai matemātiku un fiziku vieno reliģija? In: LU 75. zinātniskā konference, 9. februāris, 2017. gadā, Latvijas universitāte, Raiņa 19, Dekanāta zāle.


Larenz, Rudolf (2020) Warum ist es für einen heutigen Physiker nicht so einfach, durch und durch Christ zu sein? Klaipeda University, Lithuania (German translation of the updated version November 2020). (Unpublished)

Larenz, Rudolf (2020) Why is it not so easy for a present-day physicist to be genuinely a Christian? Klaipeda University, Lithuania (earlier version 2019). (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 06:20:23 2025 EET.