Items where Year is 2012
Atvars, Aigars (2012) Cilvēku pievēršanās un novēršanās no baznīcas skaidrojums no TRIZ sistēmu attīstības principu viedokļa. In: Zinātnes un reliģijas dialoga grupas konference. Latvijas Universitātes konferences ietvaros. 10.02.2012.. (Unpublished)
Cocchi, Massimo and Tonello, Lucio and Gabrielli, Fabio (2012) The Human Aspect of Christ between Classic and Quantum Consciousness: Gethsemane - Anxiety & Depression between Biochemistry & Anthropology. Scientific GOD Journal, 3 (5). pp. 432-439. ISSN 2153-831X
Cocchi, Massimo and Tonello, Lucio and Gabrielli, Fabio and Levi, Daniel and Pantaleoni, Giancarlo (2012) Biological Plausibility of the Pace of Creation Written in the Genesis. Scientific GOD Journal, 3 (1). 01-19. ISSN 2153-831X
Gokhale, Raam (2012) Slumdog Philosopher, Richdog Philosopher. .
Gokhale, Raam (2012) Origins Shrouded in Myth. .
Hu, Huping and Wu, Maoxin (2012) New Nonlocal Biological Effect: A Preliminary Research. NeuroQuantology, 10 (Issue ). pp. 462-467. ISSN 1303 5150
Limar, Igor V. (2012) A Version of Jung’s Synchronicity in the Event of Correlation of Mental Processes in the Past and the Future: Possible Role of Quantum Entanglement in Quantum Vacuum. NeuroQuantology . (In Press)
Mičulis, Kaspars (2012) The basic rules of social macrodynamics. The theory of reflexivity by George Soros. In: 70th conference, section: Faculty of Theology; Science and Religion Dialogue, 2012. 10.02., University of Latvia. (Unpublished)
Podnieks, Karlis (2012) Frege's Puzzle from a Model-Based Point of View. The Reasoner, 6 (1). pp. 5-6. ISSN 1757-0522
Pundure, Irena (2012) Baldones observatorijas dibinātājam JĀNIM IKAUNIEKAM – 100. In: LU 70. konferences Astronomijas sekciija, 8. februāris 2012., Rīgā, Raiņa bulv. 19.
Pundure, Irena (2012) JĀŅA IKAUNIEKA devums Latvijas astronomijai. In: LZA FTZN un LU AI Zinātniskās padomes kopīgā sēde, 27.apr.2012, Rīgā, Raiņa bulv. 19.
Salmiņa, Valda (2012) Jaunplatonisma ideju atspulgs Narekas Grigora “Žēlabu grāmatas”latviešu tulkojumā. In: 70th conference, section: Faculty of Theology, 2012. 10.02., University of Latvia.
Sorli, Amrit (2012) Relation between Psychological Time and Physical Time. [Preprint] (Unpublished)
Taivāne, Elizabete (2012) Международное Общество Сознания Кришны: К вопросу о рецепции бенгальского вайшнавизма на Западе // The International Society for Krishna Consciousness: to the Question about Reception of Bengalian Vaishnavism in the West. Religiovedeniye (1, 2). ISSN 2072-8662 (In Press)
Taivāne, Elizabete (2012) Likteņdārzs: tradicionālās latviešu reliģiozitātes transformācijas projekts = The Garden of Fates: A Project of Transformation of Traditional Latvian Religiosity. [Preprint] (Unpublished)
Taivāne, Elizabete (2012) S. S. Horužija antropoloģiskais pagrieziens: uz filozofijas, teoloģijas, psiholoģijas un fizikas robežas // Anthropological Shift by S. S. Horuzhy: at the Crossroads of Philosophy, Theology, Psychology and Physics. [Preprint] (In Press)
Titāns, Normunds (2012) Hypothesis of Extraterrestrial Origins of Life on Earth and Its Anthropologically-Theological Implications: Rhawn Joseph’s Case. [Preprint] (Submitted)
Tjurins, Mihails P. (2012) Молитва как связующее звено между духовным и физическим в психике человека (о встрече и взаимодействии двух природ в психологической доминанте). Lūgšana kā saikne starp garīgo un fizisko cilvēka psihē (par divu dabu satiksmi un mijiedarbību psiholoģiskajā dominantē). [Preprint] (Unpublished)
Zeps, Dainis (2012) Zinātne kā instrumentalitāte un reliģija kā atklāsme: realitātes modelis? In: 70th conference, section: Faculty of Theology; Science and Religion Dialogue, 2012. 10.02., University of Latvia.
Авик, Валерий (2012) Sitiunt iustitam – Жажда справедливости. Психологические и правовые аспекты принципа справедливости в книге Иова. [Preprint] (Unpublished)
Авик, Валерий (2012) Sitiunt iustitiam – Жажда справедливости. Психологические и правовые аспекты принципа справедливости в книге Иова. Sitiunt iustitiam - Taisnīguma slāpes. Taisnīguma principa psiholoģiskie un tiesiskie aspekti Ījabā grāmatā. [Preprint] (Unpublished)