Items where Year is 2012
Cocchi, Massimo and Tonello, Lucio and Gabrielli, Fabio (2012) The Human Aspect of Christ between Classic and Quantum Consciousness: Gethsemane - Anxiety & Depression between Biochemistry & Anthropology. Scientific GOD Journal, 3 (5). pp. 432-439. ISSN 2153-831X
Cocchi, Massimo and Tonello, Lucio and Gabrielli, Fabio and Levi, Daniel and Pantaleoni, Giancarlo (2012) Biological Plausibility of the Pace of Creation Written in the Genesis. Scientific GOD Journal, 3 (1). 01-19. ISSN 2153-831X
Gokhale, Raam (2012) Slumdog Philosopher, Richdog Philosopher. .
Gokhale, Raam (2012) Origins Shrouded in Myth. .
Hu, Huping and Wu, Maoxin (2012) New Nonlocal Biological Effect: A Preliminary Research. NeuroQuantology, 10 (Issue ). pp. 462-467. ISSN 1303 5150
Limar, Igor V. (2012) A Version of Jung’s Synchronicity in the Event of Correlation of Mental Processes in the Past and the Future: Possible Role of Quantum Entanglement in Quantum Vacuum. NeuroQuantology . (In Press)
Podnieks, Karlis (2012) Frege's Puzzle from a Model-Based Point of View. The Reasoner, 6 (1). pp. 5-6. ISSN 1757-0522
Taivāne, Elizabete (2012) Международное Общество Сознания Кришны: К вопросу о рецепции бенгальского вайшнавизма на Западе // The International Society for Krishna Consciousness: to the Question about Reception of Bengalian Vaishnavism in the West. Religiovedeniye (1, 2). ISSN 2072-8662 (In Press)
Sorli, Amrit (2012) Relation between Psychological Time and Physical Time. [Preprint] (Unpublished)
Taivāne, Elizabete (2012) Likteņdārzs: tradicionālās latviešu reliģiozitātes transformācijas projekts = The Garden of Fates: A Project of Transformation of Traditional Latvian Religiosity. [Preprint] (Unpublished)
Taivāne, Elizabete (2012) S. S. Horužija antropoloģiskais pagrieziens: uz filozofijas, teoloģijas, psiholoģijas un fizikas robežas // Anthropological Shift by S. S. Horuzhy: at the Crossroads of Philosophy, Theology, Psychology and Physics. [Preprint] (In Press)
Titāns, Normunds (2012) Hypothesis of Extraterrestrial Origins of Life on Earth and Its Anthropologically-Theological Implications: Rhawn Joseph’s Case. [Preprint] (Submitted)
Tjurins, Mihails P. (2012) Молитва как связующее звено между духовным и физическим в психике человека (о встрече и взаимодействии двух природ в психологической доминанте). Lūgšana kā saikne starp garīgo un fizisko cilvēka psihē (par divu dabu satiksmi un mijiedarbību psiholoģiskajā dominantē). [Preprint] (Unpublished)
Авик, Валерий (2012) Sitiunt iustitam – Жажда справедливости. Психологические и правовые аспекты принципа справедливости в книге Иова. [Preprint] (Unpublished)
Авик, Валерий (2012) Sitiunt iustitiam – Жажда справедливости. Психологические и правовые аспекты принципа справедливости в книге Иова. Sitiunt iustitiam - Taisnīguma slāpes. Taisnīguma principa psiholoģiskie un tiesiskie aspekti Ījabā grāmatā. [Preprint] (Unpublished)
Conference or Workshop Item
Atvars, Aigars (2012) Cilvēku pievēršanās un novēršanās no baznīcas skaidrojums no TRIZ sistēmu attīstības principu viedokļa. In: Zinātnes un reliģijas dialoga grupas konference. Latvijas Universitātes konferences ietvaros. 10.02.2012.. (Unpublished)
Mičulis, Kaspars (2012) The basic rules of social macrodynamics. The theory of reflexivity by George Soros. In: 70th conference, section: Faculty of Theology; Science and Religion Dialogue, 2012. 10.02., University of Latvia. (Unpublished)
Pundure, Irena (2012) JĀŅA IKAUNIEKA devums Latvijas astronomijai. In: LZA FTZN un LU AI Zinātniskās padomes kopīgā sēde, 27.apr.2012, Rīgā, Raiņa bulv. 19.
Salmiņa, Valda (2012) Jaunplatonisma ideju atspulgs Narekas Grigora “Žēlabu grāmatas”latviešu tulkojumā. In: 70th conference, section: Faculty of Theology, 2012. 10.02., University of Latvia.
Zeps, Dainis (2012) Zinātne kā instrumentalitāte un reliģija kā atklāsme: realitātes modelis? In: 70th conference, section: Faculty of Theology; Science and Religion Dialogue, 2012. 10.02., University of Latvia.