Items where Subject is "QC01 Quantum mechanics"

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Number of items at this level: 52.


Christianto, Victor (2006) A New Wave Quantum Relativistic Equation from Quaternionic Representation of Maxwell-Dirac Isomorphism as an Alternative to Barut-Dirac Equation. Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics (EJTP), 3 (12). pp. 117-144.


Egoyan, Alexander (2017) Explanation of Qualia and Self-Awareness Using Elastic Membrane Concept. The General Science Journal . ISSN ISSN ISSN 1916-5382


Gariaev, Peter and Pitkänen, Matti (2011) Model for the Findings about Hologram Generating Properties of DNA. DNA Decipher Journal January, 1 (1). pp. 47-72. ISSN ISSN: 2159-046

Gibbs, Philip (2010) This Time – What a Strange Turn of Events! Prespacetime Journal, 1 (2). pp. 162-171. ISSN 2153-8301


Hu, Huping and Wu, Maoxin (2013) Modeling Method Based on Prespacetime Model II. Prespacetime Journal, 4 (6). pp. 661-680. ISSN 2153-8301

Hu, Huping and Wu, Maoxin (2013) Modeling Method Based on Prespacetime Model I. Prespacetime Journal, 4 (6). pp. 641-660. ISSN 2153-8301

Hu, Huping and Wu, Maoxin (2014) Modeling Methods Based on Premomentumenergy Model. Scientific GOD Journal, 5 (9). pp. 864-884. ISSN 2153-831X

Hu, Huping and Wu, Maoxin (2014) Modeling Methods Based on Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy Model. Scientific GOD Journal, 5 (10). pp. 1016-1058. ISSN 2153-831X

Hu, Huping and Wu, Maoxin (2012) New Nonlocal Biological Effect: A Preliminary Research. NeuroQuantology, 10 (Issue ). pp. 462-467. ISSN 1303 5150

Hu, Huping and Wu, Maoxin (2013) On Quantum Gravity & Graviton from Non-Mainstream Perspective. Scientific GOD Journal, 4 (9). pp. 759-782. ISSN 2153-831X

Hu, Huping and Wu, Maoxin (2014) Premomentumenergy Model II: Genesis of Self-Referential Matrix Law & Mathematics of Ether. Scientific GOD Journal, 5 (9). pp. 832-863. ISSN 2153-831X

Hu, Huping and Wu, Maoxin (2014) Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy Model I: Generation of Elementary Particles & Quantum Theory for a Dual Universe Comprised of Spacetime & Momentum-energy Space. Scientific GOD Journal, 5 (10). pp. 885-964. ISSN 2153-831X

Hu, Huping and Wu, Maoxin (2014) Prespacetime-Premomentumenergy Model II: Genesis of Self-Referential Matrix Law & Mathematics of Ether. Scientific GOD Journal, 5 (10). pp. 965-1015. ISSN 2153-831X

Hu, Huping and Wu, Maoxin (2010) The Principle of Existence II: Genesis of Self-Referential Matrix Law, & the Ontology & Mathematics of Ether. Scientific GOD Journal, 1 (8). pp. 520-550. ISSN 2153-831X


Klein, Moshe and Shadmi, Doron (2008) ORGANIC MATHEMATICS. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 49 (3). pp. 329-340. ISSN 1311-8080


Pereira, Contzen (2015) The cosmic energy bridge, cellular quantum consciousness and its connections. Journal of Metaphysics and Connected Consciousness .

Pereira, Contzen and Reddy, J Shashi Kiran (2017) End-of-Life Experience Case Study and a Proposed Quantum Physics Hypothesis. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 35 (1). pp. 57-61.

Pitkänen, M (2023) Could neuronal system and even GPT give rise to a computer with a variable arrow of time? . (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2021) About the role of Galois groups in TGD framework.

Pitkänen, Matti (2022) Finite fields and TGD. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Pitkänen, Matti (2022) Hen and egg problems of biology from TGD point of view. (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2022) Homology of ”world of classical worlds” in relation to Floer homology and quantum homology. Prespacetime Journal . ISSN 2153-8301

Pitkänen, Matti (2010) An Overview About Evolution of TGD. Project Report. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research. (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2010) An Overview About Quantum TGD. Project Report. Prespacetime Journal. (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2022) Quantum Gravitation and Topological Quantum Computation. [Preprint] (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2022) Some New Ideas Related to Langlands Program viz. TGD. [Preprint] (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2022) Some comments of the physical interpretation of Riemann zeta in TGD. (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2022) TGD Inspired Model for Freezing in Nano Scales. [Preprint] (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2018) TOWARDS M-MATRIX. Technical Report. (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2022) Trying to fuse the basic mathematical ideas of quantum TGD to a single coherent whole. [Preprint] (Submitted)

Pitkänen, Matti (2011) Generalization of thermodynamics allowing negentropic entanglement and a model for conscious information processing. Prespacetime Journal, 2 (1). pp. 67-74. ISSN 2153-8301

Pitkänen, Matti (2010) A Possible Explanation for Shnoll Effect. Prespacetime Journal, 1 (10). pp. 1545-1561. ISSN 2153-8301 (Unpublished)


Rosinger, Elemer Elad (2011) Heisenberg Uncertainty in Reduced Power Algebras. Prespacetime Journal, 2 (2). pp. 157-169. ISSN 2153-8301 (Unpublished)


Sadovnik, Israel (2020) God and Soul in Quantum Theory. GSJ Physics Forum . ISSN

Smetham, Graham (2011) Bohm’s Implicate Order, Wheeler’s Participatory Universe, Stapp’s Mindful Universe, Zurek’s Quantum Darwinism and the Buddhist Mind-Only Ground Consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research . ISSN 2153-8212

Sorli, Amrit and Fiscaletti, Davide (2011) Symmetry of mass and energy density of quantum vacuum. [Preprint] (Unpublished)


Tambergs, Juris (2009) Physics and Religion in the Crossroads of Paradigms. [Preprint] (Submitted)

Tambergs, Juris (2001) THE ROLE OF CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF QUANTUM THEORY IN THE DIALOGUE BETWEEN SCIENCE AND RELIGION. “Dabaszinātnes un skolotāju izglītība”, III Starptautiskās konferences materiāli, Rīga, 2001, 8 lpp. .

Tambergs, Juris (2005) The problems of the dialogue of quantum mechanics and theology. Zvaigžņotā debess (Rudens 2004 (Nr.185), 3.-10.lpp.; Ziema 2004/2005 (Nr.186), 3.-10.lpp.).

Tambergs, Juris (2001) THE ROLE OF CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF QUANTUM THEORY IN THE DIALOGUE BETWEEN SCIENCE AND RELIGION. “Dabaszinātnes un skolotāju izglītība”, III Starptautiskās konferences materiāli, Rīga, .

Titans, Normunds and Feščenko, Iļja and Zeps, Dainis and Kasaross, Mārtiņš and Mičulis, Kaspars and Atvars, Aigars and Bušs, Dzintars Edvīns and Paeglis, Roberts and Gahbauer, Florian (2010) 68th annual scientific conference of the University of Latvia. Faculty of Theology. "Science and Religion Dialogue” interdisciplinary group meeting. In: UL 68th conference, Faculty of Theology section: Science and Religion Dialogue, 2010. 12.02, University of Latvia. Raina bulvāris 19, Mazā aula.


van Leunen, Ir J.A.J. (Hans) (2011) Cracks of fundamental quantum physics. .


Zeps, Dainis (2020) Dž. A. Vīlera domu eksperimenti un to realizācijas. In: seminar.

Zeps, Dainis (2021) Tēze: Dalījums fizikā, reliģijā un mistikā ir ... mistika/līdz aplamībai novecojusi lieta. [Preprint]

Zeps, Dainis (2010) The Double Rotation as Invariant of Motion in Quantum Mechanics. Prespacetime Journal, 1 (1). pp. 4-11. ISSN 2153-8301

Zeps, Dainis (2010) Evolution and Creative Order: David Bohm multi-time Evolūcija un kreatīvā kārtība: Dāvida Boma multi-laiks. In: 68th conference, section: Faculty of Theology; Science and Religion Dialogue, 2010. 12.02, University of Latvia.

Zeps, Dainis (2010) Mathematics is Physics. Prespacetime Journal, 1 (3). pp. 299-313. ISSN 2153-8301

Zeps, Dainis (2010) On to what effect LHC experiment should arrive. Prespacetime Journal, 1 (2). pp. 244-251. ISSN 2153-8301

Zeps, Dainis (2010) Our Ability to Research Comes Before Understanding of What We Research. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, 1 (2). pp. 120-128. ISSN 2153-8212

Zeps, Dainis (2014) Par dzīvības un nāves pretstatu Roberta Lanzas biocentriskajā universā jeb Memento mori: ignotum pro magnifico? In: LU 72. konference, „Zinātnes un reliģijas dialoga” interdisciplinārās grupas sēde, 2014. gada 7. februāris, Latvijas universitāte, Raiņa 19, Dekanāta zāle.

Zeps, Dainis (2011) Par zinātni kā instrumentalitāti: �kas mainījies pēc kvantu mehānikas ienākšanas epistemoloģijā. In: 69th conference, section: Faculty of Theology; Science and Religion Dialogue, 2011. 16.02, University of Latvia.

Zeps, Dainis (2015) TF vēstures lappuse: J.Tambergs un ZuRD izveidošana. In: LU 73. konference, „Zinātnes un reliģijas dialoga” interdisciplinārās grupas sēde, 2015. gada 12. februāris, Latvijas universitāte, Raiņa 19, Dekanāta zāle.

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